LittleZabba has shown us her pool time ninja skills. Thanks Mr. Ken for the photo!
LittleZabba has shown us her pool time ninja skills. Thanks Mr. Ken for the photo!
Summer is on it’s way out. We have had a full few months. It has been full of change, fun and good times. We spent time at Disneyland, we moved, had fun with some very dear friends, hung our with some Smurfs, visited with Grandparents near and far, went to the mountains, sat by a… Read More Summer
Last year BigZabba wrote an essay about something that scared her and what she could do to overcome that fear. This week, after many weeks of practice and rehearsals, she performed in her school’s variety show, in front of a sold out crowd of 435 people, to overcome her fear of being in front of… Read More Variety Show
It took a while, but I realized that Target fooled me. A while ago I bought a pair of shoes that I thought were Converse. I was surprised that I didn’t like them. They felt really heavy and I didn’t like how they felt. So, they have been sitting in my closet. I should have… Read More Random
I am still here. Just finding a new groove, a new balance in life. How much do I run? How far? How fast? How much training do I need to do for the next race? Does laundry really need to get done on Monday? So, I am here. Lurking on other people’s blogs. Finding my… Read More still here
This morning I set a PR! I am so excited. With my friend’s help we kept an 8:41 pace and I finished 6.2 miles in 53:48. Here is the breakdown: 3.1 miles – 27:15, 8:48 pace mile 4 – 8:08 pace mile 5 – 8:56 pace mile 6 – 8:43 pace .2 mile – 7:52… Read More PR
Today I finished reading an amazing book. Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand. It is the story of Louie Zamperini, an amazing runner, Olympian, WWII hero and POW survivor. His story is amazing, heart breaking, unbelievable, & full of hope. The horrific things that he and the… Read More Unbroken
I finished reading Water for Elephants. Overall I thought it was a great book. It was very entertaining, well written and a fun story. There are several parts that I think could have been left out, or significantly toned down, and the story would have remained the same. But, it was a fun, quick read.… Read More Book Update
This morning I was supposed to meet some friends to run. Unfortunately it didn’t work out for them to join me. This normally means that I would go back to bed, but I figured since I was up I might as well still go. This is huge for me, since I rarely run alone. I… Read More Workout
I love to read. No, I really love to read. I would read all the time if I could. I so enjoy going to the bookstore and looking at all the options. I really love to read. I am a read one book at a time kind of person. I have a hard time keeping… Read More Books Books Books