
We Arrived

The last few days have been a whirlwind. It’s really hard to believe that after all the months of planning we are finally here. The first night we got to the hotel and settled in a bit and then headed out for a walk in an attempt to stay awake. We stopped for dinner –… Read More We Arrived

Life, London


  The oldest was given a special gift, a handmade book. Each page is special and unique; a biscuit recipe, a British dictionary page, a pressed Poppy, and this passage. Awumbuk (adj) The feeling of sorrow when someone leaves The word Awumbuk comes from the Baining people of Papua New Guinea. When this feeling occurs… Read More Awumbuk

BigZabba, LittleZabba


When we first moved to San Francisco I was worried that my kids would have a hard time making friends. Now that two years have passed I can see that I didn’t have anything to worry about. Both of my daughters have the sweetest group of friends. In this time of transition for our family… Read More Friendship

BigZabba, Life, LittleZabba

The Firefly

I read this post today and it struck a chord in my heart. Below is the full copy of her post, with my pictures added. Maybe it’s something you need to read today too. ___________________ “What’s your favorite insect?” my seven-year-old daughter asked as we took an evening walk on the first night of her… Read More The Firefly



After living here for almost 18 months, I am still in awe of the beauty around us. I thought that by now I wouldn’t even notice the views…it would just be normal. But that is not the case. I still pause to look at the horses. I stop on my run to look at the… Read More Unreal

Life, London


Looking ahead to being in London, the next item on our to do list is figuring out school. There are many options, so now is the time to research all of them and attempt to make the best decision for our family. Option #1 – Attend school in London Pros: A great opportunity to meet a… Read More Options



My oldest has been working on an assignment for her english class. The topic was, write an ode to an elder who means alot to you. She chose Pappy, my grandfather. She asked me to read over it for a final edit before she printed it out. Amazing. I sat there with tears streaming down… Read More Ode


Trying Something New

Last summer when we registered BigZabba for 7th grade she had to choose her electives rather quickly…like with just a few minutes to choose. How was she supposed to choose without any knowledge of the classes or teachers? She could choose up to two electives. Pretty quickly she decided on engineering (which was a super cool class… Read More Trying Something New