

While my cousin and my sister are having great success potty training their boys, who are about the same age as LittleZabba, today she has peed on floor 3 times, in the high chair once, and only dribbled in the potty. She is quick to say that she is a big girl and that she… Read More Comparison


MaMe Spa

This weekend I found a spa in Redondo Beach, called MaMe Spa. It is wonderful! The best thing is that they offer childcare services (for kids ages 3mo. and up) while the Moms get pampered. Isn’t that a fantastic idea!! The child care room is very fun, and there are screens throughout the spa so… Read More MaMe Spa



I was in 5th grade when I first got glasses. I was really excited to wear them, I think mostly because my sister had them and I wanted to be just like her. I don’t remember exactly when it happened but somewhere along the line I grew to dislike them. In highschool I got contacts… Read More Glasses


Snow Day

This morning we decided to head to Mt. Baldy to enjoy playing in the snow. It was a great idea, but nearly everyone in LA had the same idea. We were in the car longer than we played in the snow, but we had fun making memories. Some friends from church joined us and we… Read More Snow Day


First Impressions

A while ago a friend and I were talking about our first impressions of each other. It was very entertaining to hear her take on me before we “officially” met and got to know one another. She worked in our church’s nursery at the time so she only knew me as LittleZabba’s mom. She saw… Read More First Impressions



One day I found myself out of baby wipes. Being too lazy to take LittleZabba into the bathroom and use a washcloth to clean her, I looked up how to make your own wipes. Somehow that seemed easier to me than the washcloth. But anyway, my sister-in-law has been making her own wipes for forever… Read More Homemade