We Have A Winner!
Congratulations to Lola! The “First to 20 Miles” Champion!!
Congratulations to Lola! The “First to 20 Miles” Champion!!
I am sure Lola and Jen haven’t updated their runs over the weekend so this probably isn’t a true update, but oh well. At least it makes me look good for the moment!
two sore knees, aching arches and 2 hours 15 minutes later..whew.
12 miles…2 hours 23 minutes!!
Sing with me… “This is the run that never ends…It just goes on and on my friends. We just started running cuz’ we didn’t know what to do and now we’re out here sweating until the day is through. This is the run that never ends…It just goes on and on my friends…” 10 miles… Read More This is the Run That Never Ends
1 hour 54 minutes
1 hour 41 minutes.
I just registered for the Saddleback Memorial Half Marathon on May 29. I guess I am really doing it. I think I am crazy.
Today Lola and I did 5 miles. I felt really good almost the entire time. I am really encouraged today that I just might be able to do this! I know I am not supposed to look at my time, but even still I am happy with how long it look, something like 60 minutes.… Read More The Hot Mamas
1 hour, 36 minutes. I felt pretty good the majority of the time. I am a little sore now, but that will soon go away..I hope! The complaining monster came out a few times, but I am pleased with “performance” today. My running partner/coach/slave driver, whom I will call Lola, is always very encouraging. She… Read More Almost 7.5 miles..