Life, LittleZabba


LittleZabba loves to take pictures.  At any given time she can be heard asking for the camera so she can take photos.  When she gets her hands on the camera she cannot take just one, it quickly becomes 70 or 80 photos.  Because of that we have many folders on the computer full of LZ’s… Read More Photographer

Life, LittleZabba

Found Art

We take a lot of walks.  Sometimes the kids get bored of doing the same thing on the walk.  This time I had LittleZabba grab a bucket and I told her we were going to do some collecting while we took a walk.  She picked up flowers, pretty leaves, any little thing she found interesting. … Read More Found Art



Last weekend we took a family trip to the salon…haircuts all around.  It was a “milestone” of sorts for LittleZabba since she had never had a haircut before.  It was time to clean up the frizzy ends, and even out all the baby hair.  She was very excited.  We asked her if she wanted to… Read More Haircuts



This weekend we finished putting together our care package for our World Vision sponsored child, Nancy, who lives in Uganda.  A team from our church is going to Uganda this summer and they will be visiting Nancy’s village.  The girls had such a fun time picking out each item that they wanted Nancy to have. … Read More Joy


Slipping Away

Dear LittleZabba, I feel like you are slipping through my fingers.  You are growing and changing so much, so fast, I feel like I am losing it.  I don’t want to forget this time, but I am already forgetting.  These days are so precious, I don’t want to lose them.  You are at such a… Read More Slipping Away

BigZabba, LittleZabba


I love how much LittleZabba wants to be like her big sister.  She enjoys the same toys, television shows, and even books.  She doesn’t know all the letters in the alphabet just yet, but she will sit with BZ for sometimes 25 minutes “reading” a book with her.

Life, LittleZabba

Cousin Time

LittleZabba was thrilled to have her cousin ChooChoo with us for a few days.  They had such a fun time playing together.  I was a little scared to have a little boy in the house.  What do you do with boys?  I am new to that part of the game.  He was a little angel. … Read More Cousin Time