
The Hot Mamas

Today Lola and I did 5 miles. I felt really good almost the entire time. I am really encouraged today that I just might be able to do this! I know I am not supposed to look at my time, but even still I am happy with how long it look, something like 60 minutes.

Lola and I want to make running shirts. Lola came up with our slogan. We should call ourselves “Hot Mamas”. She came up with a slew of one liners that we could have on our are some of them:

  • Challenge
  • Set it on fire back- Let it burn
  • My body is my slave
  • pick’em up-put’em down.pick’em up-put’em down.pick’em up-put’em down.pick’em up-put’em down.pick’em up-put’em down.pick’em up-put’em down.pick’em up-put’em down.pick’em up-put’em down
  • My mama can can outrun your mama (kids)
  • I ran 26.2 miles back- What have you ever done?
  • I ran 13.1 miles back- What have you ever done?
  • I’m not afraid of pain, pain’s afraid of me
  • run mama, RUN
  • Put it in the bank back- Save it to the end, Pour it on!

Any other “Hot Mamas” out there? Want to join our running group? Challenge!

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2 thoughts on “The Hot Mamas

  1. these are great slogans, jill. if i were a runner, i’d join the pack and you know i’d buy. but i’m not!!!!
    if you end up making them, let me know – i have a friend who does silkscreening, etc… and she’s a mom and a runner, too -might be a good connection.

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