
Harry Potter Day

We spent the day being “off-the-beaten-path” tourists. Our plan had three stops; Kings Cross Station to see Platform 9 3/4, Leadenhall Market, the location where some of the exterior Diagon Alley scenes were filmed, and House of Minalima to see an exhibition that showcases graphic designs from the Harry Potter films. Kings Cross Station was quite crowded,… Read More Harry Potter Day


We Arrived

The last few days have been a whirlwind. It’s really hard to believe that after all the months of planning we are finally here. The first night we got to the hotel and settled in a bit and then headed out for a walk in an attempt to stay awake. We stopped for dinner –… Read More We Arrived



Summer is on it’s way out. We have had a full few months. It has been full of change, fun and good times. We spent time at Disneyland, we moved, had fun with some very dear friends, hung our with some Smurfs, visited with Grandparents near and far, went to the mountains, sat by a… Read More Summer