

I absolutely love to read. I love getting into a book and immersing myself into the story, the characters, their world. I often go to the library to choose a book and most times I leave bookless. I don’t know what to pick. So, I come to you for help. What are you reading? What… Read More reading



My mom has many faces. Each face tells a story. The grandmother. The trouble maker. The watchful eye of the teacher. The chef. The survivor. The joyful Mama. I love you Mom and all your many faces. I wish we could be together today, but we will see each other again soon. You are special… Read More faces



Over the last several weeks I have realized that I have a bad habit of putting people in a box. For no good reason I create an idea of what a person is like and then to me, that is who they are. On many occasions recently those boxes that I have created suddenly exploded.… Read More Perception

BigZabba, DaddyZabba, LittleZabba


Last weekend DZ volunteered to take the girls and the dog for an afternoon hike. They had a great afternoon together and I had a relaxing afternoon taking a much needed nap. Thanks for the day off!


Wish List

Around the middle of November BigZabba starts making her wish list. This is her wish list from Christmas 2009. I love the varied items on her list, everything from a dog bakery, make up, barbies, and a laptop. What 7 year old doesn’t need their own laptop? It never hurts to ask. Who knows how… Read More Wish List

BigZabba, LittleZabba

Sweet Dreams

I love watching the girls sleep. Their perfect little faces, the little pucker in the lips, the way their fingers are so relaxed, their calm breathing. Such innocence. I love them so much it makes my heart hurt.


Wacky Day

This year BigZabba was selected to be on the student council. Their first job was to plan spirit day. They voted and it was decided that spirit day would be wacky day. BigZabba was so excited to participate in the day. She wore different colored socks and two different shoes, her shirt backwards, leggings on… Read More Wacky Day