under 2

under 2

My friend Lola tutored me in my newest hobby of running. She was my most athletic friend, I liked being with her, so I invited myself along on one of her runs and then continued to barge my way into her athletic excursions. Over the last 4 years I have run in several races, many of them half marathons. I started out quite slow and each race has gotten a hair faster. Now that I have checked the marathon box, my next goal is to complete a half marathon in under 2 hours.

This is the race where I hope that goal will be achieved.

Now I just have to get faster.



I absolutely love to read. I love getting into a book and immersing myself into the story, the characters, their world. I often go to the library to choose a book and most times I leave bookless. I don’t know what to pick. So, I come to you for help. What are you reading? What have you read? I wish I was the kind of person that liked reading “smart” books, but honestly I love brain candy books. I will admit that I was thoroughly sucked into the Twilight series, and I just finished her latest book, The Host. Does anyone have a brain candy book that they can recommend? Maybe we can start a book swap, because really, who wants to have a bookshelf full of brain candy books? That might be embarrassing. It can be our secret.



Over the last several weeks I have realized that I have a bad habit of putting people in a box. For no good reason I create an idea of what a person is like and then to me, that is who they are. On many occasions recently those boxes that I have created suddenly exploded. Not that what caused the perception to explode was anything bad, it was just a surprising aspect of their personality that I had never seen nor thought was there. It has been interesting to learn new things about my friends and to see them for more of who they really are.