
Guten Tag

For the last several weeks BigZabba has been working on a cultural heritage project. She completed a family tree, did research on her country of origin, wrote a recipe for her country, completed an art project, a fashion show and participated in a cultural food fair. It has been quite an interesting project. BZ chose… Read More Guten Tag


Weekend Getaway

The last few weekends we have gone to Big Bear. We really enjoy spending time in the mountains away from the busyness of life. We spent time with family enjoying the park and the zoo. Miley even enjoyed having a new playmate. During one of our recent trips the kids were very distracted with the… Read More Weekend Getaway



Today is my friend Susan‘s birthday. I know how much she enjoys the journal posts, so in honor of her birthday here are several ridiculous entries. Enjoy! Happy Birthday Susan! October 25, 1987 Taped 21 Jumpstreet tonight. Johnny Depp is gorgeous. November 9, 1987 Macgyver is majorly gorgeous. March 28, 1988 Today Mindy said, “If… Read More Ridiculous



There have been a few times in my life when I came to a fork in the road and a choice had to be made. I certainly do not regret the decisions that I made since those choices led me to my life today, but sometimes I think back and wonder what my life would… Read More Forks



I have been on a quest for forever for a good pair of jeans. I have tried the Gap, Aeropostale, Lucky, Old Navy, even Target. It is shameful how many pairs of jeans I have bought and returned in my quest to find my own “perfect” pair of jeans. While they may not be perfect… Read More jeans



Everyone has their own way of decompressing when the day is done. Some read, some work on a hobby, some may even work on the computer. I have found that my way of relaxing is to watch TV. Sometimes I wish I had a more productive way of unwinding because TV really is a waste… Read More Unwind



While I was growing up I loved to keep a journal. I would write in it every so often. Today the plan was to post an excerpt or two out of one of the journals. I was looking through it trying to decide what to post and it is almost too embarrassing. It is unreal… Read More Journals



Tonight at church as apart of the sermon our pastor asked us where our safe place was. Where is it that you can be wholly you? Where is it that you feel totally yourself? Where can be yourself without worry of criticism? When he asked the question my first thought was, running. That really surprised… Read More safe

LittleZabba, Video


We have been doing a lot of spelling practice this week. In the midst of our practice with BigZabba, LittleZabba was also learning the spelling words. Be amazed.

Life, Running

under 2

My friend Lola tutored me in my newest hobby of running. She was my most athletic friend, I liked being with her, so I invited myself along on one of her runs and then continued to barge my way into her athletic excursions. Over the last 4 years I have run in several races, many… Read More under 2