WDW Day #1

WDW Day #1

We arrived in Florida with no delays and a pretty easy flight. After getting settled in our room and having a nice dinner we walked out to the pool to check it out. As we were enjoying the view I remembered #21 on my life list, “jump in a pool with my clothes on”. I couldn’t let this opportunity go to waste. So I asked for any volunteers to do something crazy, and LittleZabba decided to join me.

After a nice long rest we got up and were ready to experience Disney World!

Our first ride? Dumbo!

Next up, Winnie the Pooh. The black lights made BigZabba’s hat look so funny!

The ride that everyone was looking forward to, not only because it is fun, but because it was so hot, was Splash Mountain. Yes, we got soaked, but it felt so good.

BigZabba decided to be brave and try a big kid ride. Space Mountain. She was nervous, but decided she wanted to ride more than she was scared. Turns out it is now one of her favorite rides!

Our long day was coming to an end, but not before we caught the Main Street Electrical Parade. The girls loved seeing the characters and all the different floats.

Next on the agenda, fireworks. What a way to end an amazing day.

Off to bed so we can do it all again tomorrow!

Camp Compass

Camp Compass

This was a special week for BigZabba. She spent some time at her Auntie’s house. She and her cousin took an art class, and made an amazing painting of a horse. (a picture of that will have to come later). She also was able to attend VBS with her cousins as well. She had such a great time that she even called and asked if she could stay longer. The one overnight turned into a 4 day visit!

Thanks to Auntie for hosting. She had a fantastic time. We love you!

All Dogs go to Heaven

All Dogs go to Heaven

Today LittleZabba asked if Miley would be in heaven with us when we die. That is a question I don’t know the answer to. I told her that the Bible doesn’t tell us for sure what happens to animals when they die. BigZabba overheard this conversation and decided she was going to do something about it. She promptly ran upstairs. This is what I saw next.

BigZabba was reading the Bible to Miley. She said that she was going to read Miley stories about God, just in case it helps. For the next 15 minutes Miley lay with her head in BZ’s lap “listening” to Bible stories.

Open Letter to the Mean Man

Open Letter to the Mean Man

Dear Mean Man,
Remember that little girl that you knocked over during the Revlon Run last year? That little girl had to spend several months with loose front teeth because you thought it was a good idea to run through the walking group, cut in front of my cute little family and smack right into the back of my adorable then 3 year old. You didn’t stop to help. You didn’t have to listen to her cry. You didn’t have to track down ice to try to stop the bleeding. You didn’t have to carry her the remainder of the 3 miles to finish the race. Here we are more than one year later and guess what, her tooth didn’t heal and now we have to pull it out. My little girl will be front-toothless for more than one year thanks to you. Good thing she has a good attitude about it. Her comments,

That’s ok. I will just get more money from the tooth fairy.

So mean man, next time you are at a race, please watch where you are going, and if by chance you knock over another innocent child in your quest to win the race, at least have the decency to stop and give a proper apology.

The Mother

Summer Vacation

Summer Vacation

Last week we had our first vacation of the summer. We spent one week in Big Bear with our dear friends. It was such a fun, relaxing, enjoyable week. We spent a lot of time hanging out together and catching up. We went bowling, went on a few hikes, taught the dog to swim and LittleZabba to ride a bike. We made cookies, the boys fixed our fence and went mountain biking. BigZabba and Miss Erin read “The Phantom Tollbooth”, played with Lincoln Logs, played at the park, and had snuggle time. We loved our time away and loved spending time with friends.

Can we go back?

I’m in Trouble

I’m in Trouble

Tonight we finished watching Anne of Green Gables. The girls have been very interested in the story, especially LittleZabba. She was very excited when it became clear that Gilbert “liked” Anne Shirley. She giggled every time they would talk, or when Gilbert would give Anne “that” look.

The credits rolled with Gilbert and Anne walking together. LittleZabba let out a big sigh, and said,

That’s the end!? Dang. I wanted to see them kiss.