Category: Video
Well Dad, I didn’t even know that the song was in Moonlighting, so you get super extra credit points for finding another one of my favorite shows that has this song in it. This is what I was going for…
Game Time
Name the show. For extra credit, name the scene. Enjoy!
Love You
This shouldn’t be too hard….what is LittleZabba’s favorite book?
Pre-K Promotion
BigZabba had her Pre-K promotion today. We had a lot of fun watching her complete the obstacle course, sing a few songs, receive her certificate & speaking about her favorite field trip. She certainly has grown up over the last school year. All the children decorated quilt squares so we presented the teachers with the… Read More Pre-K Promotion
Sweet Sisters
BigZabba and LittleZabba dance to “Clifford the Big Red Dog”, then settle in to enjoy the show. Such sweet girls.
Live Entertainment
Who needs a radio when you can have live entertainment each and every time you are in the car. For extra credit, what does BigZabba sing is the nice thing to do for the goat? (I especially love LittleZabba’s facial expressions. She thinks I am taking a picture so she keeps smiling for the camera!)
LittleZabba’s Big Week
Here is a video of LittleZabba’s big week. Her accomplishmets are: saying “more” in sign language, using a fork & walking…all while popping out 3 teeth at the same time. (it was one tooth just the other day, but there are two more now making their appearance). Enjoy!