BigZabba, LittleZabba, Video

Granted Wishes

When we decided to move we made a family wish list for our new home and neighborhood. One of the big items was – horses. The girls really wanted to be near horses, or ride them..anything to do with horses would work. Amazingly, we now have an equestrian center right across the street. The girls have… Read More Granted Wishes

DaddyZabba, Life, Video


Growing up in a home with an RN as a mother you learn lots of little tid bits about medicine, health and life saving. One of the things that stayed in the back of my brain all these years is how to perform the Heimlich maneuver. I never had the chance to do it so… Read More Heimlich

LittleZabba, Video


We have been doing a lot of spelling practice this week. In the midst of our practice with BigZabba, LittleZabba was also learning the spelling words. Be amazed.

AllyZabba, Video

AllyZabba on the News

Last week Babysteals owner, Jana, was on the news in Utah. She gave everyone a taste of the products that are featured on Babysteals, Kidsteals, and Scrapbook steals. Our MegaZabba was one of the products that was featured. Thanks Jana! Enjoy!

BigZabba, LittleZabba, Video


BigZabba has turned into quite the little fish. She is loving her time in the water. Both BigZabba and LittleZabba have lost almost all their fear and are quite confident in the water. Check out their rock jumping. Next they will be cliff diving!

BigZabba, LittleZabba, Video


This week the girls are taking swim lessons. Today was day #2 and they are doing fantastic. I am really proud of them. I can’t wait to see their progress on day #5. Here are some highlights from today. **please try to ignore the crying in the background. some of the kids were a bit… Read More Swimming

LittleZabba, Video

The LittleZabba

One year ago AllyZabba had a contest to see who could decipher LittleZabba speak. One of the videos was of LittleZabba dancing. We edited the video to make it shorter, and to cut out BigZabba’s gross display of food. The time has come to display the complete video in all its glory. Sit back, relax… Read More The LittleZabba