Sympathy Burps?
Why is it that every time I burp LittleZabba I burp more than she does? Are they sympathy burps? Does her eating somehow make me gassy? Hmmm…makes me wonder.
Why is it that every time I burp LittleZabba I burp more than she does? Are they sympathy burps? Does her eating somehow make me gassy? Hmmm…makes me wonder.
I knew that starting a business would be some work, but I didn’t realize how much there was to learn. A friend of mine has been working for herself for a while now and she was telling me a bit about what goes into making your business successful. There is a lot I don’t know…wholesale… Read More A lot to Learn
Today I had to take LittleZabba to the doctor for her 2 month check up. BigZabba wanted to help LittleZabba not be afraid of the doctor. So, BZ decided that she was going to be the doctor’s helper. She put on her scrubs, lab coat, and got her doctor kit and she was ready to… Read More A Doctor in the Family?
10 Reasons why my hubby is my Valentine:(in no particular order) 1. He is very creative.2. He will play “kitty” or “baby” with BigZabba whenever she asks.3. He puts 100% of himself into any project. It isn’t finished until it is done right…he doesn’t cut any corners!4. He makes great pancakes!5. He doesn’t really mind… Read More Happy Valentine’s Day
I thought this would be an occasional thing and look here I am posting again today! Today I took the girls to the mall to meet my sister and her kids to take pictures. We had a fun time. It seems nearly impossible to get 4 kids to smile at the same time. It is… Read More Our Day At the Mall
Since I love reading other blogs so much I thought I would start my own. As I sit here trying to think of something profound to write about for my first post, my daughter is whining at me to help her wash her hands…”I really want somebody to help me.” So, I should help her… Read More My First Thought