
I Am So Proud!

Today DaddyZabba and some friends completed the Acura LA Bike Tour. They rode about 22 miles, almost the full length of the LA Marathon, in 1 hour 23 minutes! They arrived at the start line at about 5:30am, stood in the cold (about 43 degrees) and waited with 15,000 other cyclists for the start. They… Read More I Am So Proud!


I Will Praise You

“I will praise You. I will praise You. When the tears fall still I will sing to You. I will praise You. Jesus praise You. Through the suffering still I will sing.” We sang this song in church this morning. Every time we sing it it makes me cry. It makes think of my Mother.… Read More I Will Praise You


My Space Ranger

How is it possible that DaddyZabba did better than me on this ride? He was holding LittleZabba and still got nearly 100,000 more points than I did. This just proves my theory that he is good at everything he does! Look at the concentration on his face. He is determined, motivated, he is not letting… Read More My Space Ranger


A Sensitive Soul?

A few weeks ago BigZabba and I were going through her toys deciding which toys she wanted to “share” with other children. She was quite generous with the toys that she wanted to give away. I was surprised at some of her choices, but she was willing to part with them, so I let her.… Read More A Sensitive Soul?


Our Weekend

This weekend we went to Cambria for a friend’s wedding. Many of you know how much I LOVE cupcakes. So, when I saw the wedding cake, I thought it was the best idea ever! Everyone got their own wedding cake! How perfect! Next time I have to make a cake I just might do this..too… Read More Our Weekend