

In case anyone wondered, I turned on word verification for comments because my blog got massively spammed tonight! It was something like 40 unwanted comments, so I am hoping that the word verification will put a stop to it.Thanks and happy “word verified” commenting…


Girl’s Night In

Last night DaddyZabba and some guy friends went to see Ray Romano. I was secretly thrilled that he would be out because then I could work on organizing the linen closet. So after church the Zabba’s & I made a run to Target for my favorite items …… containers! After the girls went to bed… Read More Girl’s Night In


Dr. De Soto

So the dentist didn’t really go as planned, but it all worked out. BigZabba was all excited about going to the dentist, she was ready to be a big girl. We got in the room, and I think the dentist rushed things a bit too much and my “big girl” suddenly melted into a puddle.… Read More Dr. De Soto


A Little Vacation

On Thursday I got a phone call from my Mom, ShaSha. She asked if she could take BigZabba home with her for a few days. Sure! BigZabba was super excited, even more so because her cousin was going to be there too. It was going to be her first real sleep over! So, after nap… Read More A Little Vacation


The Good Things

Our lives at times feel empty and unfulfilling. We do not see the many blessings that God has laid out in front of us. Many times all the good things God has for us are right there, all we have to do is reach out and take what he has so freely given to us.… Read More The Good Things