
Does it end?

The world of siblings has opened up a whole new aspect of parenting…many more germs! The last week has been full of one thing or another. BigZabba started it all with the stomach flu & high fever, then LittleZabba got a high fever and a sour stomach, now she has roseola, and I feel a… Read More Does it end?


The Visitor

My blog is turning into a commentary on the life of my kids…. Because of Mommy responsibilities my shower this morning happened much later that I would have liked. While I was in the shower BigZabba comes running in my room, “Mommy, somebody rang the doorbell!” This is very exciting to her because she loves… Read More The Visitor


The Busy Boy

At naptime this was BigZabba’s prayer: “Jesus food, thank you for my fun day I had tonight. Thanks about Mommy’s toe to feel better, thanks about LittleZabba to feel better, thanks that my toe will feel better. Jesus food, Amen.” Backstory – She always starts and ends prayers with ‘Jesus food’. I think it is… Read More The Busy Boy


We Should Better

Anytime BigZabba wants to do something her phrase of choice is “We should better..” examples:-We should better talk about skating.-We should better hurry up.-We should better call Daddy. Maybe she will start a trend.


The Counselor

This morning DaddyZabba and I were talking about something and not agreeing with each other, so we ended the conversation abruptly, not angrily. BigZabba then says to me, “Mommy, when Daddy is trying to tell you something you should listen to him and talk to him about it.”


No Real News

Life here in Zabbaland has been pretty easy going the last week or so. There isn’t much to report, but I was just checking in with all the fans to let everyone know I am still around. I hope that everyone is doing well.


How Did You Learn That?

I have a few friends that live in other countries and I have noticed a trend….they all know how to make stuff! For example, TweedyGirl..she can make tortillas, bread that ends up like english muffins, puddingy cake, brown sugar, & I am sure an assortment of other wonderful things. My friend in PNG, she can… Read More How Did You Learn That?


Fun Times

This weekend we had many things going on. BigZabba was in a wedding, and boy was she beautiful! She did such a great job walking down the aisle and standing with the wedding party. I was concerned whether or not she would be just too shy to do it, but she did great. Her cousing… Read More Fun Times