
The Happenings…

It has been a busy week here. The kiddos are all better, but now DaddyZabba has it! Bummer. On to happier and more exciting things..Yesterday we went to a friend’s house, who will be named WonderZabba. She can do everything! She taught me how to can peaches and make strawberry jam. It wasn’t as hard… Read More The Happenings…



This evening we decided to go to Truxton’s for dinner, a brand new restaurant just down the street from our house. We got there and there was a big sign in the window that said “Opening Soon”. That seemed odd since I had driven past earlier and they looked open, it even looked like they… Read More Truxton’s


We’re Still Sick

It has been one week since the germs entered Zabbaland and they are still here. After a visit to the doctor today we now know it is just a nasty virus. After BigZabba had a stomach ache, a fever and a rash all within one week, & LittleZabba had a runny nose, occasional cough, fever… Read More We’re Still Sick


Two Bumps?

We have some friends spending the night tonight. The wife is pregnant with twins. We told BigZabba that there was a very special thing about the Mommy, she had two babies in her belly. She said excitedly, “Does that mean she will have two bumps?”


In other news…

Here is an update on many things – Running – Since the Saddleback 1/2 Marathon I have only strapped on the running shoes once. What a shame. Not that I was really all that great at running, but I was getting ok at 10 miles, but now, it is like starting over at mile 1.… Read More In other news…


The Prayer

“Jesus Food, thank you for my fun day I had tonight. Thanks for my sister. Help her to not cry ever again and wake me up. Please help me get a butterfly net and God please send butterflies. Jesus Food Amen.”


Luna Lou

While reading yet another product review site, I was introduced to Luna Lou. Do I really need another blanket? Should the lady that makes blankets actually buy one? The answer is no, but I just had to…they are too cute! She has a cupcake collection and an owl collection. Those who know me should be… Read More Luna Lou


Got Tagged..

I’ve been tagged by Karen. Away we go.. 5 Things in my refrigerator:1. milk2. soy sauce3. leftover chicken4. crazy ripe apricots5. slimy lettuce 5 things in my closet:1. shoes2. purses3. hats4. dust5. a lot of clothes that don’t fit 5 things in my car:1. stroller2. extra diapers3. water bottle4. Libby Baby Baby Sling5. a bag… Read More Got Tagged..


She Sits!

Both my girls are growing up, way too fast I might add. LittleZabba can now sit unassisted. Granted I am not too far away in case she should topple, but she can do it all on her own. Balance is a wonderful thing.