
Hey You Lurkers..

I stole this idea from another blog, so thanks for the idea! I average about 30 visitors each day. I know you are there. Who are you? It is time to de-lurk and start commenting..even a simple hello will do.



To any current or former teachers out there… I have a credential renewal question. My credential is close to expiring and I am beginning to panic about it since I have done nothing to fulfill the renewal requirements. I was reading the Professional Growth Manual and in there it states.. During the period you are… Read More Teachers?



I take so many things for granted…my home, my family, my health & the health of my family, my stuff…everything. I occasionally read BabyCenter’s birth club boards. Tonight I was reading and saw a post by a Mom whose daughter is 2 weeks younger than LittleZabba. Her daughter is in the hospital with lesions on… Read More Thankfulness


My Only Regret

I was having a trip down memory lane this week and I came across this memory…my only regret in life… After a few years of marriage, I don’t remember how many exactly, I had put on a few pounds and I was curious if my wedding dress still fit. So, one day I got out… Read More My Only Regret



LittleZabba is getting better. She has been fever free for more than 24 hours now. I think we are finally on the up-swing. We can take the quarantine sign off the front door and we can emerge from the hole we have been living in for the last few days…well not really but that is… Read More Updates


Zabba Family Christmas

We had a great day. DaddyZabba’s family Christmas has been postponed until LittleZabba is totally better so BabyZabba doesn’t get sick. I hope that everyone else had a wonderful day. More details will come later. For now, enjoy your day! update – LittleZabba has pneumonia…so there will be no DaddyZabba family Christmas for us. bummer.


Merry Christmas Eve

Our Christmas plans had to chance a little due to LittleZabba’s bronchitis (which is now only a cold/cough), but we will make the best of it and postpone seeing BabyZabba until all the germs are gone. Have a joyous Christmas & see you again in a few days.