

I have the best neighbor. Today we received a delivery. Little did I know that my neighbor was outside and she saw the large man coming to my door. She said that something seemed odd about it to her, so she decided to come on over and check things out. Of course all was fine… Read More Neighbors


The Closet

The closet is nearly done. Here is a then and now: Just one more set of shelves and the closet is done. Then the next project can begin…changing what used to be the closet into a desk/nook area. I am sure DaddyZabba is ready for the home improvement projects to be over!


Where you Been?

This past week the girls and I, along with my Mom, went to Pennsylvania to visit my Grandparents. We had a great time playing in the snow (which melted all too quickly), having snowball fights (which BigZabba said she enjoyed but spent more time crying than fighting) and eating lots of food. They hadn’t met… Read More Where you Been?


Second Thoughts

Since my previous post about homeschooling I am having second thoughts. I recently heard of a school not too far away, but in another district, that sounds perfect for BigZabba. While working in her class I love to sit back and watch her interact with the other students and her teacher. She really seems to… Read More Second Thoughts


On the Mend

All the Zabbas are nearly healthy. LittleZabba still has a nagging cough, but there really isn’t anything you can do about that & BigZabba’s eyes are nearly better. So for now I think we are on the mend.An update on the closet – the electrical is finished, the insulation is in, the drywall is up.… Read More On the Mend



I am finally over my sinus infection, LittleZabba still sounds like she is breathing through mud and BigZabba who has lived in this house for the last 3 weeks without getting sick at all…well she now has an eye infection. DaddyZabba, watch out! You’re next.



While doing home projects we still try to have fun with it. So we turned a family trip to Home Depot into a donut picnic. First we went to our favorite donut store to get one dozen donuts…then we ate nearly all of them while walking the aisles of Home Depot. What could be better…power… Read More Fun