
Wild Animal Park

Today we went to the Wild Animal Park with family. We had a great day. BigZabba loved spending time with her Aunt, Uncle and Cousins and especially loved seeing all the animals. Here are some highlights from the day. BigZabba tried her hand at photography. The kids loved seeing the lions sleeping on the car!… Read More Wild Animal Park



We were driving in Hollywood tonight and I saw a store that made custom lampshades. I know I am not the trendiest of people, but really, who needs a custom lamp shade made? I have never needed a lampshade that I couldn’t find at Target. But I guess that is why I am not a… Read More Really


It Survived!

I now know how resilient AllyZabba blankets are. A few weeks ago, on a rare rainy day, LittleZabba dropped her blanket in the gutter. It wasn’t discovered until a while later. It was fairly dirty and really gross. After a wash it was as good as new. Today LittleZabba found a pen and without my… Read More It Survived!



Sorry for the lack of meaningful posts lately..we have had many things going on at home lately, so blogging has taken a back seat. DaddyZabba – He just returned from a trip to Germany. He presented Surf’s Up at the FMX conference in Stuttgart Germany. He had a great trip and brought BigZabba a very… Read More Updates


I Still Believe

As I was going about my morning “I Still Believe” by Jeremy Camp came on. This song speaks my heart’s cry this morning. Thank you Lord for giving me this song today, when you knew I needed it most. I Still Believe Scattered words and empty thoughtsseem to pour from my heartI’ve never felt so… Read More I Still Believe


Odd Ponderings

When Franklin puts on his soccer shirt, how does he get it over his shell? Why do Little Bear and Boots frolic around naked all day,yet put on pajamas at night?


San Diego

The worship leader at our church has a band, The Echo Division. We enjoy listening to his CD while in the car. BigZabba’s favorite song on the CD is San Diego . On occasion, out of the blue, I will hear her say to LittleZabba, “Hey, would you like to go to San Diego?”


Tiny Sprouts

I wanted to mention that today and tomorrow (the 28th and 29th) Tiny Sprouts is donating 100% of your order to The March of Dimes. They have super cute hand embroidered items, for a reasonable price. If you choose to order you need to put “The Daily Stroll” in the comments section for your order… Read More Tiny Sprouts