BigZabba, DaddyZabba, Life, LittleZabba


Who wants chocolate for lunch? Us!! We went to a fabulous restaurant, The Schokoladen-Restaurant of Fassbender & Rausch Chocolatiers, where every meal contains chocolate in one way or another. Who would have thought that cocoa sprinkled over chicken, or soup with chocolate drizzle would be delicious!? The girls had banana and chocolate crepes. We all… Read More Chocolate

BigZabba, Life, LittleZabba

The Fish

Just before our vacation the girls took swimming lessons. Our hope was that they would remember the things they learned last summer, then we would be able to get lots of practice in while we were in Florida. Our plan worked perfectly. Hopefully they will have had enough swimming time that they will retain most… Read More The Fish

BigZabba, Life, LittleZabba


We spent two days exploring Epcot. There is so much to see there. We drove up and LittleZabba said, Oh look! The great ball of Epcot! On our first day we got there just before the park opened so we were able to be there for the “rope drop”, when let everyone into the park… Read More Epcot

BigZabba, Life, LittleZabba

WDW Day #2

We loved Magic Kingdom so much we decided to go back for more! The girls were so excited to start the day. Our first ride was in Toon Town, The Barnstormer. It was a quick little roller coaster that the girls thought was so fun. After a brief run through some sprinklers to try and… Read More WDW Day #2