LittleZabba, quote-of-the-day

The Eyes

While looking at pictures this morning, LittleZabba points to a photo of BZ, who has red eyes in the photo. Mommy, you forgot to fix those eyes. How does she even know that it is possible to fix red eyes?


LZ Doctor Update

Remember just a few days ago…our trip to the doctor? Let me quote myself, Hopefully we didn’t catch anything while we were there. Guess who has diarrhea and vomiting, along with the original cold & ear infection? Yup. LittleZabba. This is why I really don’t like going to the doctor.


The Zoo

Year Family Pass to the Zoo – $75 Money for Gas – $30 (sitting in morning traffic) Snacks – $7 Leaving after 10 minutes due to the bad, more like terrible, behavior of your youngest child – Priceless


The Almost Cure

I was going to write today about how to cure a “sick” child, but my supposed cure ended up to be false. LittleZabba has been working on a cold for nearly one week now. She has been somewhat punky, but for her it hasn’t been too bad of a cold. This morning she was particularly… Read More The Almost Cure


The Bed

Here are some photos of LittleZabba’s new bed. She did great last night and during nap time today. I think she made a perfect transition into the bed. She is so grown up!



Guess where LittleZabba is sleeping tonight?! In her very own big girl bed! She was so excited today. She couldn’t wait for DaddyZabba to get home from picking up the bed. She was quite giddy when she saw the bed parts coming in the door. It was a family affair putting it together and getting… Read More Change