
What a Day!

This has been a busy but super fun day. The morning began with a 7:30am phone call. My first reaction was, “it must be Mr. P! the baby is on its way!” But it wasn’t, it was my Mother, aka ShaSha. She says, “I am at your back door waiting to be let it.” She… Read More What a Day!


The Daily Stroll

Yesterday AllyZabba was featured in an editorial on The Daily Stroll. It was a great day for us. We made many new contacts, had a lot of visitors, and even had a few sales. We now have over 100 people signed up for our newsletter. These are exciting times for AllyZabba. Thank you so much… Read More The Daily Stroll


Original Trends

Saturday AllyZabba had its trade show debut at Original Trends. We good time. It was fun to meet other vendors and have a chance to see other had a people we had met online. We shared booth space with my friend, Libby and her company Libby Dibby. It was a long day, but it was… Read More Original Trends


I’m Swanky!

AllyZabba just got a glowing review from! I have always wanted to be swanky and now I have the Swanky Seal of Approval!Thanks to Amber at Swanky Moms for such a great review!


Mommies With Style has reviewed AllyZabba! It is very exciting to have our products featured in this online forum. Mommies With Style has a great discussion board and it has been fun to meet other “Work at Home” Moms. Thanks Mommies with Style!


LA Textile Show

I am so excited to be attending the LA Textile Show in April. I can’t wait to see all the different fabrics and things that are new for 2007. (Not that I really know that much about what was around in 2006) It will be fun to browse the different manufacturers booths and be able… Read More LA Textile Show