
Perfect Timing

The timing of our last few guests couldn’t have been better. That said, initially I worried that their visits would be hectic since it was so close to when we were leaving. Would we need to be packing? Would there be last minute things we needed to do? In reality none of those things were a concern. Actually, their visits really helped me get more excited about going home.

As we sat and talked about different things we were able to do this year, it was like a chance to debrief and review our highlights. We also were able to talk about what we were looking forward to about going home. The kids talked about their excitement to see their friends again, visit the neighborhood horses they have been missing, see our dog (of course!) and they even claim to be excited about starting school – I’ll be sure to remind them of this when I hear the first complaint! When I was asked about what I was looking forward to I struggled to answer. However the more we talked about home, ideas came to me. I am looking forward to reconnecting with my neighbors. We live in a fantastic neighborhood and I want to get to know the families better. I hope to have potlucks and spontaneous get togethers and maybe even start a book club. I also was really impacted by the Alpha series at our church here, so I would love to get involved with Alpha USA in some capacity.

Get ready. The Bredows are coming home and we are excited to get lean in to our community, connect and eat at Johnny Donuts.

In the meantime, here are some photos from our last UK visitors. We had a fabulous time and we are so thankful for their perfectly timed visits.

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