

Hello there. A couple things have changed in the last few years. In a nutshell, we moved to San Francisco and learned to love all things Star Wars.

We are slowly adapting to the ways of being a Nor Cal resident. If you are trying to blend in with the locals, there are two ways that are guaranteed to blow your cover. Don’t mention that you were on “The 101 freeway” (instead, say you were on 101). And, never say anything positive about the Dodgers. Also, we now have 3 trash receptacles in the kitchen; compost, recycling (glass, paper, plastic), and trash (anything that can’t go in either of the other bins).

One other large difference is the level of activity that takes place here. Biking (mountain and road) are pretty huge up here. When we go to school the number of families that bike to school together is pretty phenomenal. We are not talking about any old bikes for the biking families. These are cargo bikes. Bikes with an extra “bench” seat in the back for the kids to straddle while mom or dad pedals, while saddle bags are strapped to the sides for all your essentials. I have even seen a bike with an infant car seat bolted to the back of the bike. Nothing is going to stop the biking family from pedaling through town. We in Nor Cal are very green in all ways and it has taken some time, but my family is starting to get on board.

Until next time, May The Force Be With You.

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