Quiz time once again. I know you want to play along!
For this quiz we will have two winners! Our first place winner will receive a Bob the Builder 3-DVD lunch box set. Second prize will receive Bob the Builder, Built for Fun DVD with a bonus toy truck! Contest ends on Tuesday, June 30, 3pm PST. You will be able to see your own comment but not the comments of others! Have fun.
It’s cartoon quiz time. Ready, let’s roll.
**note – these are not current cartoons. these are cartoons i watched as a kid.**
1. What are the names of the two groups of robots in Transformers?
2. Who is the evil sorcerer in The Smurf’s?
3. He-Man is the alter ego of who?
4. He-Man’s twin sister’s name is?
5. Name this show.
6. Bugs Bunny first official appearance was in what?
7. Name this character.
8. Name this character.
9. Beachhead is a character from what show, and what is his real name?
10. Optimus Prime is the leader of what group and what planet are they from?