This weekend we finished putting together our care package for our World Vision sponsored child, Nancy, who lives in Uganda. A team from our church is going to Uganda this summer and they will be visiting Nancy’s village. The girls had such a fun time picking out each item that they wanted Nancy to have. The pink pencil, with a special pink eraser, Surf’s Up stickers, colorful socks, a jump rope, even a Tinkerbell Yo-Yo, and other items they requested. The girls each made a picture and wrote a letter to Nancy that we slipping inside her care package. This is LittleZabba’s note, exactly as she wanted me to write it:
Dear Nancy,
I love you and I care for you. I am giving you stuff to bring joy to you. I like you.
Love, LittleZabba
This is LZ’s picture, made with lots of stickers, and a little help from BZ.
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I only got through the first sentence of this post before my first thought was, “Whichever WV child was assigned to the Zabba sisters is one blessed little kid!!!” =)