BigZabba, LittleZabba

The Bus

Today was the highlight of spring break for BigZabba.  She and LittleZabba had been asking for weeks when they were going to be able to ride the bus.  So today was the big day.  We figured out the bus schedule, counted out our fare and we walked to the bus stop.  Our destination?  Lunch with Daddy.  The 6.2 mile journey took us 54 minutes.  I have never seen two children more excited about anything.  It was like they were going on a Disneyland ride.  It was quite a thrill for them.  The other bus riders were either entertained or annoyed by the girls chanting, “We’re on the bus!  We’re on the bus!”


(my niece is doing a school project with flat stanley, that is why the girls are holding flat stanley…just in case you were wondering.)

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7 thoughts on “The Bus

  1. How fun! I’ve only ridden a bus one time in my 32 years and it was in Chicago. Interesting to say the least. BZ looks so grown up with her necklace and purse.

  2. liberty, are you kidding!? you know me and sewing clothes. no, it is from ciaran at little lubballoo. i am sad that she doesn’t make them anymore, but i am glad i snagged as many as i did when she had her last big sale. i am sure i could figure it out, but i have too many talented friends. i can just buy from them!

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