LittleZabba has been all 3 lately. There have been many tantrums and fits that come out of nowhere. One second she is a perfect angel and the next she is thrashing on the floor like a wild animal. It is crazy. After a particularly bad tantrum the other day LittleZabba said,
I threw my bad attitude in the water.
That sounded like a good idea to me. About 40 minutes later, without any more discussion about the fit, LittleZabba added to her previous comment.
I put crocodiles in the water too. They are taking 4 bites of my bad attidude. So now it can’t come back.
I like that idea even better!
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I must say, from what I see from my friends, I am really dreading three!
Where does she come up with this stuff? Maybe us adults should/could take a lesson from her about our bad attitudes?