BigZabba, LittleZabba


Lately I have been thinking about the differences in BigZabba and LittleZabba.

From a very early ago BigZabba had a hunger for learning.  By the time she was 2 1/2 she could say and recongnize the ABC’s, by the time she was 3 she could write all the letters and even a few words.  At 3 1/2 she knew the sounds that the letters made and was beginning to sound out words, and shortly before turning 4 she could read.  LittleZabba is now 3 years old.  She can say the ABC’s, and can only recongnize a handful of letters.  She would much rather play than learn letters.

BigZabba, bless her sweet little heart, is (said with all the love in my heart) a drama queen.  If she gets even the smallest scratch the whining and complaining starts to flow.  Her little world can come crashing down if she cannot wear he outfit of choice.  She can be reduced to a puddle if looked at the wrong way.  She has quite a sensitive spirit.  On the other end of the spectrum LittleZabba, for the most part, lets stuff roll off her back with very little fuss.  She doesn’t mind scratches or bruises, she is almost proud of them.  She rarely complains when she is sick, she just deals with it.  This could be because she was sick so much as a baby that she just learned to live with it.  A great example of this is when LZ recently had the stomach flu.  LZ actually got sick in the middle of the night and she took care of everything herself…she didn’t cry or call for me to come help.  BZ would have been in hysterics.

Following rules is something that BigZabba loves to do.  She tries very hard to obey and when she disobeys, she is genuinely heartbroken.  LittleZabba obeys when she remembers.  Don’t get me wrong, she is a great kid, but she has a hard time remembering the daily things.  She really doesn’t seem to mind consequences.  For example, she has a hard time remembering that she needs to stay in bed in the morning.  This is a battle we have been fighting for several months now.  Each time she gets up, she gets something taken away (a favorite toy, tv for the day, and if it is really bad her blanket).  BZ would have been devastated at a toy being taken away and she would never get out of bed again.  LZ, she is upset for a minute or so, then she moves on.  “Oh well, I will try harder next time,” she says.  And then the next day, she does it again.

It will be interesting to see how the girls grow and change as they get older.  Will BZ continue to be the rule follower?  Will LZ continue to push the limits and “forget” the rules?  Will BZ be full of drama and LZ relaxed?  Only time will tell.img_1785

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5 thoughts on “Differences

  1. my experience of raising four very different daughters has taught me that those traits are part of them before you ever push them out of your body and into the light of day. it’s kind of reassuring to know that God decides so much of who they are. and it’s just our job to guide them along the way.

  2. So interesting! Love this post. I think the differences between siblings are fascinating.

    So when you say that LZ took care of it herself, do you mean that she threw up and everything and then went back to bed without getting you up??? Good gosh!

  3. susan,
    yes, LZ threw up and then went back to bed. i was shocked. yesterday BZ caught the stomach bug and she is a bit more dramatic about it than LZ was, but not as bad as i thought it would be. she threw up by herself last night, but instead of just going back to sleep she came in my room and presented me with her filled bowl. that is always a nice treat at 3am. =)

  4. Ha, you’ve definitely got them pegged, Mom. 🙂

    On one hand, I can’t wait to see them grow up to be young adults. On the other, tell them to stop it. They’re already growing much too fast. 🙁

  5. I think this is a prime example of Type A and Type B personalities. Hmmm…LZ is relaxed, gets over circumstances easily and doesn’t let disappointments ruin her day. No ulcers in her future!!

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