
This & That

We had a nice halloween.  It was pretty low key.  Costumes created out of the dress up box, trick-or-treating to a few houses on the street.  It was a easy, fun evening.


I love angel food cake.  Every time I make it I think of my Grandma.  She always has several angel food cakes in her freezer.  I love how fluffy and white the batter is.  I love the smell.  Give me some angel food cake, ice cream and strawberries.  yum.


This weekend was Lola‘s baby shower.  It was a great morning.  It was so wonderful to see the ladies come to shower Lola and Baby D with love, encouragement, gifts and prayers.  We are all so excited to meet Baby D!


This weekend we also went to The Westside Pregnancy Clinic‘s annual fundraiser.  It was a wonderful evening.  Good food, great conversations, amazing testimonies, a fantastic organization.  If anyone is looking for a worthy cause for their year end giving, I would highly encourage you to look into the WPC.  It is a great cause.

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3 thoughts on “This & That

  1. Fun post. =) Low-key is always nice. I love the jack-o-lantern picture. The shower looks lovely and so do you and Rob in that great last pic! (Handsome and lovely, I should say.)

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