We have been praying for baby Stellan for some time now. He is a little baby who has what appeared to be severe heart damage in-utero. The doctors told his family that he most likely would not live to term and even if he did, he would not survive once he was born. Well, God is bigger than that. Stellan has thrived in his mother’s womb for the last 36 weeks. Stellan will be delivered tomorrow, Wednesday, October 29th at 9:30am CST. Please pray for the doctors who deliver him, the doctors and nurses who will care for him in the crucial moments following his birth and for his parents who only want the best for their son. God has blessed this family with many miracles over the last 20 weeks. At 24 weeks they were told that Stellan would die, and now they are on the eve of seeing their newborn son. Please pray that God allows another miracle tomorrow, allowing Stellan to be born without complications.
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