BigZabba, LittleZabba

Fountain Fun

The girls had a fun time playing in the fountain. It is always fun to see how long you can look into the fountain before it shoots straight into your eye. After a few times I thought they would learn, but no.

In other news, LittleZabba has had another allergic reaction. This time to goldfish crackers. It seems as thought it has to be one of the natural and/or artificial colors or flavors that is the problem. The hard part is that not all products list all the colors and flavors that are in the products, so it is difficult to narrow down what the specific problem is. Many times is simply says “natural flavors” or “color added”, or as on the goldfish cracker package “spices”. So it looks like we have to avoid all foods in a box. So as my neighbor said, we will be shopping along the walls in the grocery store, dairy, meat, produce. No more aisle shopping for us.

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2 thoughts on “Fountain Fun

  1. Looks like the girls had a ton of fun in the fountain – is it at a nearby park?
    Total bummer for Little Zabba – hope this reaction was mild? It seems like a huge task to learn what to avoid and hopefully it isn’t a bunch of her favorites – but it’s beginning to sound like for now at least, the window is pretty narrow of what she can have.

  2. Wow – That looks like a cool place! Did you know they opened a water park in La Mirada? My parents have taken the kids a couple times. Why didn’t they have that when we were growing up? lol.

    Good luck with the food shopping! 🙁 All in all, it’s probably a good thing to only eat natural foods…just really rough for the shopper, huh?

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