With the summer in full swing I have been thinking a lot about what my days should look like. This is the first summer that I have sensed the clock ticking. I have 2 months with BigZabba before she goes back to school. I want to make the most of these days that I have her all to myself.
What is the balance between entertaining my kids 24/7 and dragging them along with me as I do all the things I want/need to do? The last week I feel like the phrase “Sorry I cannot do that right now, I have to _________.” has come out of my mouth so much. I do not want the summer to slip away for me to then realize that my kids, specifically BZ, have spent their time either waiting for me to finish whatever I was doing, or running random errands with me.
I am a big planner. In a perfect world I would have things scheduled. For example Monday – cleaning/laundry/movie day, Tuesday – park/library day. I have tried doing this several times, but somehow my life gets in the way. Is it a matter of just being disciplined to do what I have scheduled, regardless of what comes up? How can I be scheduled, balanced & flexible?
Any thoughts? I would love some insight.