ShaSha is the greatest. Here are the top ten reasons why my Mother is the best.
In no particular order:
- She can whip up an amazing 4 course meal out of leftovers and random cans of things found in the pantry.
- She doesn’t use a book to give the birds and the bees talk, she draws her own pictures.
- She can make amazing cakes with mayonnaise.
- She beat breast cancer with amazing determination and without complaining.
- She can thrown amazing parties and make it look so easy.
- She really cares about the mundane details of my day, sometimes calling me just to see what I am making for dinner.
- She makes time for mother-daughter days with my sister and I.
- She makes time for grandma-grand daughter days with the Zabbas.
- She lets the Zabbas get up in the middle of the night for an ice cream snack.
- She lives out her faith in Jesus each and every day.
Happy Mother’s Day Sha! You are the greatest. There are so many more things I could write, the list could be hundreds long. I love you all the stars in the sky and all the sand in the sea. Thanks for being my Mommy!
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Ahhhhhh… sweet! You make me sound so good I hardly knew who you were talking about! It is my honor and pleasure to be your mommy and the Shasha for your girls. I love you!