
What do you Smell Like?

Tonight at church the pastor spoke about having the “aroma of Christ”. It was really convicting to me. The passage he spoke on was,

2 Corinthians 2 :14-15
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

To have the “Aroma of Christ” we should:

-Be around those who “smell”
Surround yourself with people who challenge you and encourage you to be more like Christ. There are many of those people in my life, some whom I have never met. I have only met Christina through her blog, but reading her story and her response to God’s will for her family encourages me to “smell” more like Christ. My dear friend Susan encourages me to reach out to new friends and to “smell” with my children. And Lola, through the ups and downs in her life I very rarely hear her complain about the circumstances God has brought before her.
So I proudly tell each of you that you “smell”. Thank you.

-Consume God
We can read our bibles, pray, attend church, but do we allow ourselves to be consumed by God? I know I don’t. We need to let God get our attention. During those bible reading times and prayer times give God more than a half a second to speak to you. We should wait on Him, have a conversation with Him.

-Live it
We need to put these things into action. Serve others. Love others. Aroma is the by product of activity. If we just sit around on the couch all day we wont “smell”. Serving Christ will cause a change in your activity, a change in your life, and a change in your “smell”.

Just like Christina is bold in her faith I want to live out my faith in all areas of my life as well. I want people to know that I “smell”. I probably don’t “smell” too bad yet, but I hope that in time I will be overcome with the aroma of Christ.

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3 thoughts on “What do you Smell Like?

  1. Thanks for sharing this with us. I have a couple of friends who often say things like “how has Christ been working in you lately” which always causes me to feel convicted and challenged in a positive way. Let’s all work in the direction of smelling good to each other and those we don’t know.

  2. It’s so great to know that you have a pastor who is preaching solid things from the Word. There’s too much fluff in most churches. I’ll let when you know when I smell you in Yorba Linda.
    Much love, shasha

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