Following the birth of Baby P I came down with quite a cold which turned into a nasty sinus infection. But even in the midst of being sick we came up with yet another project to keep us busy. (as if we need more things to occupy our time)
As you may remember we recently re-organized my sewing room.
We discovered that behind the closet is what BigZabba likes to call her new playhouse. The space that DaddyZabba is standing in was hiding behind that closet all this time. Since AllyZabba is starting to expand I need more storage space, so we decided to cut a big hole in the wall and expand the closet to create more storage. It is creating quite a mess, but it is going to be really great once it is done. We are not going to put the closet doors back up, but instead we will create a desk area there for BigZabba to use during homeschooling. The new space will then be the closet and storage space for AllyZabba. It is all very exciting. Hopefully in the next few weeks it will all get put back together.
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