
The New Room

Today was a day of re-organization. My sewing room was turning into a nightmare. Since deciding to have gift baskets on AllyZabba the once mostly organized room had turned into a mess of boxes, fabric, and just junk! It was becoming increasingly more difficult to actually sew in the sewing room. Not anymore…I wish I would have thought to take a picture of the before, but those of you who know me know that when it comes time to organize I cannot be stopped. By just taking out one chair and a small table we were able to create much more space in the room. I had been cutting all the fabric on the floor and that was just becoming a hassle. So I found a great cutting table on Craig’s List for a very reasonable price and it fits perfectly in the room. We cleaned out some of the old things in the closet to make room for the AllyZabba gift basket items. Now the room is clean and well organized. We added some shelves to the wall to get some of the sewing things off the sewing table to create more work space and it makes the room look nice as well.

Oh and BigZabba fell and hit her head tonight. It was a fall that was worthy of a band-aid, so we had to take a picture of it. If you look close you can still see the wet cheeks & glisteny nose from the tears.

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1 thought on “The New Room

  1. I’m jealous. My sewing room is also my DH’s study – no extra room for a sewing table. That’s what I’m looking for in our new home. A room in the basement where I can have some peace and quiet (and space) to sew.

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