
Making Memories

The last few weeks DaddyZabba has been working many hours. So we have tried to do fun family activities on the weekend to make the most of family time. Here are some highlights from our weekend fun..

Fun times at the beach. Relaxing, cooking hot dogs and of course, eating smores.

Fun times with Auntie & Uncle & Cousin Zabba. It was a warm day so we spent some time at a nearby fountain cooling off.

Going ice skating for the first time was a blast for BigZabba. She was a little hesitant at first, but she soon was ready to go around again and again.

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1 thought on “Making Memories

  1. Great pictures!! =) Good for you for taking the time that you do have right now and making the most of it. Looking at these just made think again that despite all the work, it is such FUN to have kids…. to see their joy and experience things through their eyes.

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