
Swimming Lessons…

did not go as planned. BigZabba has been talking about them for weeks. This morning she was so excited that today was the big day. Ever since she was old enough to start doing “lessons” like this (dance, swim, even VBS) she has had a very hard time doing what the teacher tells her to do. I like to call it, polite defiance. The teacher will tell her to do something and she will respond, “No thanks, I will wait over here.” or “I would like to do it this way” – totally opposite of what the teacher told her to do. So I was a little hesitant to pay money for swim lessons knowing that this was her track record. You kinda have to do what the teacher says in the pool or you either have to get out or drown..neither is a good option. But she was on a mission to obey the teacher, so off we went. Well friends, not 3 minutes in the pool and it was over. She swallowed a little water and that was it. The crying started and it didn’t stop. She wouldn’t listen to a word the teacher said and ended up sitting on the side of the pool wailing while everyone else had their lesson. I was not a happy Mom. What do you do? Take her home? Throw her in the pool? After about 10 minutes I took her home. It wasn’t fun for anyone to listen to the crying and I certainly wasn’t have a good time. Maybe it was the pressure, or the “newness”…we will try again tomorrow. I’ll let you know how it goes.

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