3 thoughts on “Goodbye Sweet "Lellow"

  1. That is sweet!! On the flip side, I decided to make up a song so Anna would learn to prononce “Yellow” properly, I was a little concerned she still said “lellow”!! =) =)

    how is running going??

  2. Cute, cute, cute, Your daughters are beautiful! How old is your oldest? I love your website by the way! It is great! I am so glad to have found mommies with style! It is a great board! Thanks for dropping by my blog today! You should do Tackle It Tuesday! My husband is glad I did. My house is so much better and I feel great!

  3. Hi Emily – My oldest is 3 1/2, youngest almost 7 months. I am glad that you like the site, it is a fun adventure. Thanks for checking in!

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