My blog is turning into a commentary on the life of my kids….
Because of Mommy responsibilities my shower this morning happened much later that I would have liked. While I was in the shower BigZabba comes running in my room, “Mommy, somebody rang the doorbell!” This is very exciting to her because she loves visitors. I told her that we couldn’t get the door, and if they really needed us they would wait, leave a note or come back. She was very upset about this, but said, “Ok Mommy.”
My shower continued, I heard talking…who is BigZabba talking to?
She came back in the room and I asked her, “Who were you talking to?”
BZ – “The person at the door.”
Me – “How were you talking to them?”
BZ – “Through the window.”
Me – “What did you say?”
BZ – “I said, ‘Excuse me, sorry, my Mom is in the shower right now.”
Me – “What did they say?”
BZ – “They said, ‘Oh, ok , thanks,'”
I can just imagine this sales person standing at the door, and then a little kid yells down at them from a window that Mom is in the shower. I hope they got a chuckle out of it!
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that’s funny jill!!!
thanks for sharing your stories!!!