
Fun Times

This weekend we had many things going on. BigZabba was in a wedding, and boy was she beautiful! She did such a great job walking down the aisle and standing with the wedding party. I was concerned whether or not she would be just too shy to do it, but she did great. Her cousing was also in the wedding. When BigZabba got the end of the aisle and saw that her cousing wasn’t with her she turned around and said, while motioning with her hand, “Come on!” It was a great time. At the reception BigZabba even danced with the ring bearer, too cute. This picture totally looks like he is proposing!

Then today Lola & I ran in the Saddleback Memorial Half Marathon. Whew! 2 hours 39 minutes. Not too bad. The last 2 miles were particularly tough..I was just plain pooped..and the last little bit was uphill..why do they do that, that is not nice! I even met up with Ms. Nomer near the end of the race! Way to go Ms. Nomer! So I have a medal and a pretty nasty looking toe to show for it. That was my Memorial Day…what did you do!?

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2 thoughts on “Fun Times

  1. Great job Jill!! I was thinking that was this weekend. I am so impressed!!


    I love the pictures of BigZabba!! How precious!!!

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