
It’s Been A Big Day!

The day started out with my friend and I running almost 6.5 miles. I did an awful lot of complaining about it, but I did it! It took something like 90 minutes to do it, which isn’t that great, but at least I did it.
When I got home DaddyZabba told me that we got a big blanket order! We had someone order 4 blankets this morning! Wow! That was really exciting. So, I got busy sewing. Later in the day I checked email, and there was another order! This time it was for 2 blankets! Double Wow! So, I got even busier sewing. The first order is completed, in the wash as I type, and the second is half done. I think I will be able to ship both orders tomorrow. It was a very exciting day.
6 miles and 6 blankets!

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3 thoughts on “It’s Been A Big Day!

  1. Oh – and by the way, whether you sewed one or six, CONGRATULATIONS on the two orders!!! That’s so exciting! When you are famous, I can say that MamaZabba is my good friend and feel famous too. =)

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