
I Will Praise You

“I will praise You. I will praise You.
When the tears fall still I will sing to You.
I will praise You. Jesus praise You.
Through the suffering still I will sing.”

We sang this song in church this morning. Every time we sing it it makes me cry. It makes think of my Mother. It was over two years ago that she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Through God’s grace she is completly healed and doing wonderful now. But that song makes me think of the many days and weeks that she was not doing so well. Even though she was losing her hair, very sick & weak, she remained so strong and grateful to God for everything that was happening to her. She looked for God in everthing, the chemo, the doctor visits, the sickness. She trusted God and His purpose and plan. My Mother has always been a shining example to me and after having cancer and seeing how she looked to God for her strength I hope that I can show my girls that same “wanting” for Jesus in all circumstances.

I love you Mom.

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2 thoughts on “I Will Praise You

  1. What a sweet tribute. I couldn’t have gotten through it without your daily visits, special Diva gifts to perk me up, rubbing my feet, getting me food, bringing angel AbbaZabba, taking me to the DR, letting me be sick, but most of all, knowing that I could ask you anything and you would do it.

    As you know a special verse was given to me to get through it all. Phil 2;13: For it is God who works in you both, to WILL and to DO of His good pleasure.So I was at peace knowing that He was working His pleasure in my life. I love you AllyZabba. Shasha

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