
My First Thought

Since I love reading other blogs so much I thought I would start my own. As I sit here trying to think of something profound to write about for my first post, my daughter is whining at me to help her wash her hands…”I really want somebody to help me.” So, I should help her wash her hands….ok, the hands are washed and now she proclaims, “Mama, you are my best friend. Even when I don’t obey you are my best friend.” How easy she is to please…maybe there is a lesson there.

Maybe this will turn into a daily thing or maybe it will be a phase that will fizzle away after the novelty has worn off. We’ll see. But for now, I will enjoy typing random thoughts and maybe you will enjoy reading!

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2 thoughts on “My First Thought

  1. Yippeeeeee!!! I’m so glad you started a blog!! I LOVE reading friends’ blogs. I’m embarassed to say that I check them every day… sometimes more than once. =) So now that you’ve started, you had better not quit. I will hound you if you do. Abby probably says enough funny things to keep you going for quite awhile.

    I’ll warn you that I’m a frequent blog commenter. =)

  2. Well……this is a first…..my first blog comment!!
    If I told my mother that I had blogged today, she’d think that I had a sinus infection and was clogged.
    I can’t promise that I’ll write everyday but hey who knows….this could be an outlet for my stress!!! Uh-Oh…watch out (:>))
    I be “checkin” in later!!

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