BigZabba, quote-of-the-day


This afternoon the girls and I were having some hot chocolate. They decided they wanted to pretend they were drinking coffee. Out of the blue BigZabba raises her cup and says,

“That is some powerful coffee!…that is what Pappy would say”

I am so glad she remembers.

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2 thoughts on “Powerful

  1. ahhhhhhh………July 9th will be 10 months that pappy has gone to be with the Lord. I too am glad that she remembers some of his fun sayings.

  2. What a treasure. My middle daughter has had a heavy heart recently about her great-grandmother who is “gone” to alzheimers. She’s not physically gone just yet, but said daughter has just realized that our memories of her (suprisingly regarding coffee as well) 🙂 are what we will keep when she is gone.

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